Ouray County is comprised of the towns of Ouray and Ridgway and a large outlying area. The County is home to a fiercely independent population of Senior, homebound and disabled individuals who want very much to stay in their homes, but cannot do so without help. Neighbor to Neighbor is truly an effort of neighbors helping neighbors by being fresh eyes and ears, providing companionship, transportation, a hot meal, monthly social events, handyman services, bookkeeping help and access to other resources that may be beyond their reach. Our intent has always been to do all we can to insure that those we serve remain safe, self-sufficient and a part of the community they love.
If you or a loved one is in need of help, please contact us by e-mail at ouray.neighbor@gmail.com
or at 970-325-4586
Without the help of the individuals, churches, organizations, businesses, foundations and municipalities listed below, Neighbor to Neighbor would not be able to carry on its work. We extend our heartfelt thanks to each and every one.
Alpine Bank
Area Agency on Aging - Region 10
Citizen's State Bank
First Presbyterian Church of Ouray
Graham Foundation
Realtor Magazine
St. Daniels Catholic Church
Town of Ridgway
Weaver Family Foundation
Woman's Club of Ouray
Western Colorado Community Foundation
The Zanett Foundation
City of Ouray
Elks Lodge
First Baptist Church of Ouray
Health One
Metzger Inc.
Ouray County Social Services
Ridgway Community Church
St. John's Episcopal Church
Telluride Foundation
United Church of the San Juans